How Manners Have Changed over Time
By: Jasmineshirey • Essay • 632 Words • November 4, 2014 • 9,908 Views
How Manners Have Changed over Time
How manners have changed overtime.
When I was growing up my father felt it was very important to have manners. He believed that showing manners was a sign of respect to others. I personally feel that it is a parent’s duty to teach their children proper etiquette and manners. If parents do not take the time out of their lives to teach their children proper etiquette and manners, then I think manners will eventually fade away over time due to lack of use.
One of the definitions of “manners” is “ways of behaving with reference to polite standards; social comportment” ( If only there were more people who cared about being polite, could you imagine how great the world could be? To summarize, overtime manners have changed, and I believe it is because people are becoming more inconsiderate of each other.
Why have people chosen time and selfishness over having manners? Throughout my life, I have noticed how people have become much more selfish. Everyone is in such a hurry to get where they are going that they just do not have time for manners. For example, once when I was leaving a store, I held the door open for a woman but the woman was so busy talking on her cell phone that she did not even say “Thank you”. I see similar situations like the cell phone incident all the time. People have become so self-absorbed that they have lost all consideration for one another.
In addition, I believe that the media plays a big role in lack of manners used today in society. I also believe that people, from children to adults watch too much television. I think the behavior displayed on most TV shows, as well as movies, is negative and shows no respect or etiquette. Furthermore, I feel like social networking websites have an unhealthy effect on manners. There are many people who socialize on these websites that they are accustomed to not using proper manners. Therefore, when interacting face-to-face manners are almost nonexistent. With the combination of media and social networking, the reason becomes clear why manners are fading over time.
Above all, a parent’s amount of time spent with their children can have a tremendous effect on manners. Sometimes parents can be so wrapped up in all the stress that life produces consequently they do not have enough time to teach their children proper behavior. I believe that it is a parent’s duty to teach their children manners, which goes hand in hand with respect and consideration. You cannot always be with your children; however, as a parent you should want the comfort of knowing that your child is displaying the manners you thought them. If more parents would take the time out of the day to sit down talk with their children, and teach them I believe manners could become stronger over time.