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How the Renaissance, Reformation, and Scientific Revolution Led to a More Secular and Democrtatic Society

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How the Renaissance, Reformation, and Scientific Revolution Led to a More Secular and Democrtatic Society

Social Revolutions Lead to Political Reform: How the Renaissance, Reformation, and Scientific Revolution Led to a more Secular and Democratic Political Atmosphere.

Since the beginning of time cultural views have influenced and shaped our society but never has more change occurred than during the Renaissance, Reformation, and Scientific Revolution. We leave the middle ages a society of Kings and feudal life and emerge with the beginnings of modern political theory.

The Renaissance was a defining moment in history where old became new and ideas on science, nature, and education flowed like a rushing river. The impact on authority was great and lasting in its effect to the world. Great men began to ask questions about human nature, how humans were related to God, the best way to achieve human happiness and, an overall individual fulfillment became important. A liberal arts education over religion became, for the first time since Christianity took over in the 4th century, a reality (Matthews, Platt, 320). This new secular and zealous learning was the beginning of the liberal arts as we know it today. Petrarch, the first true poet of the Renaissance, studied Latin and is credited to have rediscovered Greek (Renaissance I.E.P.). This rediscovery led to textual criticism of the Church when forgeries were found which placed their power in question (Lecture, 1). Humanism dared artists like Leonardo da Vinci to defy the church and dissect cadavers to study the physical form. A more secular outlook can be seen in Raphael's The School of Athens (Lecture, 2), and men like Machiavelli put forth ideas that political discussions should not be religious or moral issues beginning the search for political science (Matthews, Platt, 331). The rise of sovereign states began to happen and power was taken away from feudal nobles and placed with the educated middle class who advised the King on religion and war, as well as running bureaucracies (Matthews, Platt, 324). This time period marked the beginning of a shift toward a balance of power for France, England and Spain (Civilization). The spirit of the Renaissance had left its mark in questioning authority, looking to the secular and individualism as well as indirectly leading to the exploration of the new world.

The reformation crushed religious unity in the west by taking a hard look at the corruption of the Church and

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