How to Do Your Chores in Under an Hour
By: Mike • Essay • 484 Words • April 6, 2010 • 1,152 Views
How to Do Your Chores in Under an Hour
How to do your chores in under an hour
You have one hour until your mom gets home from work; suddenly you realize that you've done none of the chores that were left for you on the counter. There they are, alphabetically taunting you. You yell at your little brother to STOP everything that he's doing because you have a CODE BLACK. The possibilities that could come from not doing your chores are endless. Well you better get going or you will not have enough time to finish everything.
Staring at the list you rush to the first task. The bathrooms. As you climb into the first bathroom you see a half folded hand towel on the sink with fried toothpaste on it from who only knows, piles of clothes suffocating all corners of the room, and the bathtub. Yuck! It hits you; it's a complete fact that your mom didn't clean it a week ago like she said. You will grasp these things for a moment and ask, do I ask my brother to help or should I just dig deep down inside my stomach and do it myself. The obvious answer is just to do the chores because your brother won't do anything anyways. You finish cleaning the bathroom and look at the clock. "Phew," you only wasted a mere 15 minutes with this task.
You will walk into the living room to find your little brother watching TV. Your first reaction is to yell at him the way your mother would, but for some reason you
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politely ask him to make sure his bedroom is picked up and that all the trash has been taken out. Now he