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How to Save a Word Document

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How to Save a Word Document

How to Save a Microsoft® Word Document to a Computer Disc

1. Go to the start menu (The start menu on your Windows Microsoft® Vista is located on the bottom left of your desktop.) point your cursor arrow (a movable indicator on a computer screen) on the round dot with the windows logo.

2. Put your cursor arrow on programs and click the left mouse button.

3. Point your cursor at the Microsoft® Word program and click.

4. Start your document by saving the page to your computer.

5. Point your cursor to the upper left corner of your screen, locate the Microsoft® logo and click your left mouse button.

6. Point your cursor at Save As and a widow will pop up.

7. Move your cursor over to Word Document and click your left mouse button.

8. When the window pops up, point you cursor to Computer and click your left mouse button.

9. Pick the drive that your disk is in and type in the name of your document point your cursor to the save button and click your left mouse button. See figure 1.

FIGURE 1 Save As menu window (Microsoft® Word; Microsoft ® Corporation)

If a person knew who their audience was the amount of information in instructions would change. There are many different audiences to write instructions for. Different levels of computer knowledge would be the basis of each set of instructions.

If the audience using the instructions had no knowledge of the computer, I would begin a step by step set explanation of how to turn on the computer. Then I would include screen shots at every step. Screen shots would be important because the person would not only read each step; they would see each step

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