Human Resources
By: Tasha • Essay • 330 Words • March 20, 2010 • 920 Views
Human Resources
Human Resources/Personnel
In the last century there has been much debate over the roles of personnel and human resources. It is argued that they are different from each other. However it has been discovered that the differences are much less than the similarities and that the differences are in fact a matter of opinion.
The main argument for employees being given the title ‘Human Resources Manager’ over ‘Personnel Manager’ is to augment their ego. They feel the change of title enhances their status.
Another reason for the change from personnel to human resources is to avoid phrases like manpower, which are related to personnel and are claimed to be sexist.
The Institute of Personnel Management states, ‘The profession of personnel management has as its principal aim the task of ensuring the optimum use of human resources to the mutual benefit of the enterprise, each person and community at large.'
Human Resources are the department that deals with and looks after the employees as a resource of the business. This is important, as the resources are the core of the business and without these resources the business would not exist.
“Human Resources Management emphasises that people are an organisations key resource due to their flexibility, creativity and commitment”