Hypothesis Identification Article Analysis
By: David • Case Study • 390 Words • April 28, 2010 • 1,302 Views
Hypothesis Identification Article Analysis
Hypothesis Identification Article Analysis
Psychological profiling has become a science within law enforcement. The behavioral patterns of individuals have been categorized by age, sex, race, national origin and birth order just to name a few. Some people are great leaders, organizers, workers, and followers, but the entrepreneur remains as one of the most elusive psychological profiles in the world. Everyone can point to an entrepreneur, but psychologists have had trouble profiling an entrepreneur.
As referenced in the Journal of Managerial Psychology 5.2 in a research article written by Chad Perry entitled After Further Sightings of the Heffalump, the entrepreneur is compared to the Heffalump, a mythical creature, that as “He has not yet been caught and, indeed, we may still lack a reliable description of what he looks like,” he avoids description by those who are not entrepreneurs. This research was conducted to test the 1971 hypothesis of Kilby, that the entrepreneur still lacks descriptive profiling. (Perry, 1990, pg.22)
The problem arises from the fact that psychologists are as psychologically disparate from the entrepreneur, as humans are from the Heffalump. An accurate profile is beyond the capacity of psychologists to describe. That is because normal human emotions cannot be interchanged with the psychological makeup of the entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are born with inherit traits that defy normal human emotions. They can feel a coarse of action in business, much like a composer can feel a symphony before he hears