By: akaangel • Research Paper • 2,343 Words • May 12, 2011 • 1,000 Views
1. The firm description
2. Services provided
3. Frequently questions from clients
4. Competitors
5. Short questionnaire
Sc. IdealServ SRL.
Sc. IdealServ Srl. is a little society in Romania, Sibiu. It was born from the idea of Lala Catalina, the manager of this company. She was talking with her friends and they were complaining about the fact that they hate waiting in line to pay or get something. And so the idea was born.
She saw the opportunity of creating a company that takes care of all your shopping or paying the bills and she grab it. It wasn't easy to create such a company because at first people wouldn't call, suspicious of this kind of service but with the passing of time, the company became known and started making profit. But it is still a small company. It doesn't have many employees. It is more like a small family firm.
The headquarters of the firm is on Aleea Fratii Buzesti, Bloc 12, Apartament 18, Sibiu, Romania. The CUI of IdealServ is 20064750 and the social capital is 200 Ron.
You can find them at this link: WWW.FURNIKA.RO for more information.
The program is non-stop and you can contact them at any hour of the day or night.
About IdealServ
At first, they started like all the others from bottom. They didn't have offers or different commissions for different kind of people. They just started to know the market, know the kind of clients that they will have. But after a while the concept Furnika came along.
Furnika is a concept that was born from passion for high quality services and the wish to successfully cover the needs of their clients.
Because they know how important is the free time of all their clients, they launched a service package suitable for the comfort of their clients. The service package is: home delivery and various commissions.
They will stand in like to do their clients groceries, to stand in like to pay the bills, to deliver presents and to do commissions for their clients.
Their mission is to become the first provider of delivery services at home and commissions. Their passion to grant their clients the pleasure and delight of the free time without being restricted.
IdealServ is a team opened to communication and improvement of the services offered.
At the moment the team of the company is composed of:
• Two associates – the managers of the firm – that are working on the concept, of accounting, marketing and promoting the services
• Others services are done with the help of collaborators or temporar employees, the payment is done by the hour or day in depending of the required services
• Two permanent employees
• Two cars
• Two scooters
2.The services provided
Description/ Presenting the services of Furnika offered by Sc. IdealServ Srl.
Time is so precious and we all know it.
They offer the possibility to enjoy the little free time more than ever.
They do your shopping, pay your bills, sit at lines, deliver presents for you, they do your commissions, offering this way much more free time and comfort!
You can do your payment either online or at the delivery of the products.
They offer you the possibility to order both by phone at one of own numbers shown below, and online by Yahoo messenger, Skype or Msn Messenger.
The rates:
• 10 lei / home delivery for individual or physical person/ persons
• 15 lei / delivery at headquarters for legal person/persons
• Possibility to pay in advance for the daily delivery or monthly delivery
• Monthly subscription for legal person( it is paid at the beginning of the month, no later than 10 of the month) : 450 lei