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Immigration Bib

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Immigration Bib


McElroy, Wendy. “Illegal Immigrants Are Victimized by Misguided Government Policies.” Illegal Immigration. William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2002. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. J. Sargeant Reynolds Community Coll. Lib., Richmond, VA. 2 Nov. 2005

The main point of this article, “Illegal Immigrants Are Victimized by Misguided Government Policies,” is about who the government is not protecting the illegal immigrants who enter the United States. Although America is supposed to be called the land of the free. She does not refer to them as “illegal” immigrants but just as immigrants themselves. The INS plays a big role in the immigrants who are illegal and try to find jobs with the I-9 form. Because of this form immigrants have to find jobs “under the radar” so the will not be deported back to their home country.

This article will help with the paper because many statements she says are very true about the government. The article gives credit to the immigrants who are trying to make their lives and the lives of their children better by moving to “The Land of the Free.”

Scott, Michael. “America Must Take Stronger Measures to Halt Illegal Immigration.” Illegal Immigration. William Dudley, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2002. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. J. Sargeant Reynolds Community Coll. Lib., Richmond, VA. 1 Nov. 2005

The writer of this article’s main idea is the cons of illegal immigrants and their hardship they bring to the natural born Americans. The costs of having illegal immigrants grows and grows each year. He states that tax payers are taking more and more money out of their pockets to help the birth of illegal immigrants babies. He tells the readers that there are three fundamental laws that need to be taken into action in order to reduce or stop illegal immigrants. Also that the reason that the number of homeless people is growing is because the immigrants are taking these peoples jobs for less money but with less experience.

The ethos of the writer gives credit to only the Americans who have fought to keep their jobs from bring taken by the illegal immigrants. The quality of the source is very good because it was found through the school library’s database. The publisher is a very well known source from many schools across the nation.

U.S. Border Patrol. "U.S Border Patrol Strategies Help Prevent Illegal Immigration." Immigration. Mary E. Williams, Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. J. Sargeant Reynolds Community Coll. Lib., Richmond, VA. 5 Nov. 2005

This article, "U.S Border Patrol Strategies Help Prevent Illegal Immigration" is about how the U.S. government states that they have many ways and projects that are


preventing illegal immigration. Many projects and ideas are still being processed to this

day to try and keep America more safe for the upcoming youth. It also talks about how the percentage in illegal immigrants has dropped dramatically over the past couple of years and continues to drop. The government has provided the borders with new technology such as hi-tech cameras and satellites which watch the borders all day, all night and all year long.

This article gives credit to the government and the border control for the decrease in illegal immigration all around the southern boarder. The publisher is two branches of the government which are called Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services, U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Knowing that the government has published this it is to be known that it is very up-to date and accurate.

Young, Cathy. “Tough Illegal Immigration Controls Will Not Stop Terrorism.” Immigration. Louise I. Gerdes, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2005. March 2003. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. J. Sargeant Reynolds Community Coll. Lib., Richmond, VA. 3 Nov. 2005

The author of this article, “Tough Illegal Immigration Controls Will Not Stop Terrorism.” gives examples of how the INS was blamed for terrorist acts and how we are putting more effort in slowing down the immigration in all the wrong places. She quotes others who feel the same way about the border controls of illegal immigrants. She along with other’s feel that the border control should expand their horizons on stopping immigration all around the United states besides the Mexico/America border. Most of the immigration control is trying to prevent

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