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Indian Oil Corporation Ltd

By:   •  Essay  •  261 Words  •  May 19, 2011  •  1,919 Views

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Indian Oil Corporation Ltd

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. is India's largest company by sales with a turnover of Rs. 271,074 crore and profit of Rs. 10,221 crore for the year 2009-10.

IndianOil is the highest ranked Indian company in the latest Fortune ‘Global 500' listings, ranked at the 125th position. IndianOil's vision is driven by a group of dynamic leaders who have made it a name to reckon with.

In this section, read about IndianOil's business and its spread across the country & abroad. You can also know about IndianOil's current financial performance, special initiatives and recognitions & awards that have come its way.

Mr. R.S.Butola is Chairman of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., India's flagship oil & gas major. Before joining IndianOil, Mr. Butola was the MD of ONGC Videsh Ltd. (OVL). Under his stewardship, OVL built a formidable E&P portfolio comprising both discovered and producing assets in over 15 countries. Mr. Butola is also the Chairman of Petroleum Federation

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