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Infosys Technologies

By:   •  Essay  •  387 Words  •  May 12, 2011  •  1,395 Views

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Infosys Technologies

h is case traces the knowledge management (KM) programme of Infosys Technologies Ltd. h e case describes how,

in 1999, Infosys' top management detected severe problems

with the ? ow of organisational knowledge while implementing a programme aimed at continuously improving their core

business processes. A more detailed examination exposed that

problems with knowledge ? ow sti? ed the e? ectiveness of their

organisational structure and their business model. Alarmed by

these ? ndings, Infosys initiated their KM programme. A ? vestage knowledge maturity model (KMM) was constructed to

aid KM implementation. KMM identi? ed speci? c capabilities

Infosys needed to develop in each of the ? ve levels. h e KM

programme worked e? ectively until 2004 when Infosys began

moving towards KMM Level 4. h is level required developing

clear metrics to measure KM e? ectiveness. In the absence of

such metrics, Infosys' Board of Directors started questioning

the company's ? nancial investment in the KM programme

h e case deliberately describes a programme concerned

with the capture, storage and distribution of explicit

knowledge. Consider what explicit knowledge means in

terms of this case and why the company focused on such


KM is more than KM systems. Consider this in the light

of elements of the case.

KM, like many other aspects of informatics investment,

sometimes has di? culty in justifying itself in pure ? nancial terms. Consider this in light of the case.


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