By: loverrr43 • Essay • 294 Words • May 2, 2011 • 819 Views
When the channel gaps are identified .than the next step to clos these gaps so that the zero-based channel may be achieved. So different types of gaps require different types of solutions. So now we have to close the gaps.
There are three main methods to close the demand side gaps.
• Expanding or retracting the level of service outputs provided to target segment.
• Offering multiple service output levels to target segment.
• If required altering the target segment.
So we have the gap on the demand side which is assortment and variety (SOS<SOD). So now we decided whether to close this gap or not. As our product is yogurt so it is very difficult to get the different variety of the yogurt from the start because still now we have to survive in the market. When we established ourselves in the market, than we should focus on this gap.So that we can meet the target customer demand. To close the gap we can use the first