Intermediate Ict Gnvq - Unit 6 Evaluation
By: Jon • Essay • 287 Words • April 5, 2010 • 920 Views
Intermediate Ict Gnvq - Unit 6 Evaluation
During this unit I have come across many different skills and have had to implement them into my work in different ways to make the best product I possibly could.
While I was creating my adverts in Photo Impact I had to use most of these skills. The first skill I used was the freehand selection tool which was used to cut out a certain area from a picture which enabled it to be inserted into another picture, I used this tool to cut out guitarists and insert them on a waterfall background. To insert the guitarists I also had to use another skill which involved copying and pasting between images, without this skill I wouldn’t have been able to copy the freehand selected guitarist and paste it onto the background. As you can imagine, after taking something from one image and adding it to another, the guitarist and the background were out of proportion so I had to use another feature which