Introducing Liberation Theology
By: Bred • Essay • 395 Words • April 27, 2010 • 1,209 Views
Introducing Liberation Theology
In “Introducing Liberation Theology,” by Leonardo Boff, and “God is Black,” by James Cone, the authors assert that God is “One who liberates victims from their oppression” and Christianity can be a liberation tool through “Active commitment.” Boff holds a loyalty to people as individuals. He points out that “Aid” is a strategy that treats the poor as “Collective objects of charity” and “Reformism” improves the situation of the poor.” I draw from this that one treats the symptoms of poverty with “Aid” and the illness itself with “Reformism.” Boff says, “One should recognize the situation and transform a subhuman situation;” hence, Boff shows his loyalty of treating people as equals. Also, Boff has a loyalty to take action. He challenges Christians by asking, “How are we to be Christians in a world of destitution and injustice?” Cone has more of a defensive style. Cone writes, “God is the liberator who empowers the poor of the world to fight against their oppressors” and “God is identified with the oppressed to the point that their experience becomes God’s experience, or God is a God of racism.” Cone feels God is on the side of the oppressed, blacks, and wants their liberation; Cone moves on to say that God is Black because he identifies with the weak. Cone draws his loyalties