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Introduction to International Law

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Introduction to International Law

Introduction to International Law

Kimberly Reed

In answering this week's discussion question, the question is asked is can the United States bring charges against both Goliath Inc. as well as Junior, Ltd. the long and short of it all is in knowing exactly what the Sherman Antitrust Act allows. Although Junior is an actual subsidiary company of the US company the fact that it operates in the Cayman Island puts it in British territory along with this fact is that when the company was formed it was a fully operational company operating under the tree laws of the Cayman Islands so therefore it does not fall under the jurisdiction of the United States.

If the United States were to bring charges against either company they would have a hard time in making those charges stand. Junior even though entered into contracts that would have been illegal under United States trade laws these dealings were not illegal under the Cayman Island trade laws so therefore there were no laws broken Goliath on the other hand though they are the parent company of Junior they do not have any direct dealings with the business ventures

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