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Many Christians believe that humans were created in God’s image, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that we were made that way in a few seconds. When we bake a cake, construct a building, or write books, we have the image the image in our heads but the product is not created in an instant. There are steps and time in between thoughts and creations. Jesus was supposed to be a divine person. But as a physical being that lived on this earth that god “created” he must have had the same natural instincts as other individuals, like using the bathroom. He must have slept, he had to have eaten and surely faced human temptation. And as a being with all the same normalities as any other person, must have evolved from what ever it was we evolved from too.

When Christian children are born, they are made to believe in everything the Bible says and all its messages hidden inside, without question. When reading it they should be careful and read every detail. They believe that earth has existed for about six thousand years; four thousand years between Adam and Eve to Jesus Christ’s crucifixion, then the two thousand years from Jesus’ death to the present. If we were to read the bible from cover to cover, we would find the earth has to be at least eleven thousand years old. Genesis tells us that God created earth and everything that inhabits it in six days and rested on the seventh. Psalm 90:4 and second Peter 3:8 both address that one day to God, the Lord, is a one thousand years to us. In reading the Bible, we might also find, if carefully read, Genesis would also address that God created animals such as sea monsters and birds on “fourth day” and “cattle and other beasts on the “fifth”. Man and woman were created on the “fifth day”, which would mean there were two thousand years from the creation of animals to humans. Though evolution is believed to have to taken place over millions of years, it would be possible for it to take place in a thousand. If God can just cloak the earth with water and animals in “one day”, who is to say people can’t evolve from them in another? This would mean that people weren’t even created until five thousand years after the creation of earth. Time is supposed to be from the existence of Adam and Eve, so add our six thousand years from that to the five thousand years before any life appeared, and you get eleven thousand

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