Issue of Global Warming
By: Mikki • Essay • 380 Words • May 22, 2010 • 1,118 Views
Issue of Global Warming
Steve Bailey
Professor Dobbs
Science Lab
September 21, 2006
The issue of global warming is a very serious problem that would be looked a very closely. Due to the fact that the ozone layer is gradually depleting the earth’s overall temperatures will continue to rise to new highs. Eventually, the climate will begin to change across the globe and these changed need to be looked at very closely. Although scientists are saying that past temperatures are irrelevant to the theory of global warming, others believe that the effect of global warming on the earth will be global and overwhelming to our way of living. I agree that if something isn’t done to stop the depletion of the ozone, the earth will undergo a gradual but devastating change. Due to the fact that media is very involved with the idea of global warming, people are becoming much more aware of the problem. Also, it has become an everyday