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It (harware and Software)

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It (harware and Software)


The computer system is made up of 2 parts; the hardware and the software. Hardware is the name given to all the devices that make up the computer system. These are components of the computer that can be physically handled.

Hardware are divided into input devices, central processing unit, backing storage and output devices.

Input devices

Input devices are used to get data into the computer. Examples: keyboard, mouse, joystick, light pen, optical scanner and microphone.

The central processing unit

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer is the main processor which operates the computer - I.e. it carries out the instructions of the program being run.

The CPU has three main parts:

The A.L.U. (Arithmetic and Logic Unit) which performs all the calculations.

The Control Unit - which controls the flow of data round the computer by sending out control signals.

Memory - which is used to store data.

The backing storage

Storage hardware provides permanent storage of information and programs for retrieval by the computer. The two main types of storage devices are disk drives and memory.

Disk drives

Hard disk drives store information in magnetic particles set in in a disk. Usually a permanent part of the computer, hard disk drives can store large amounts of information and retrieve that information very quickly.

Floppy disk drives also store information in magnetic particles set in in removable disks that may be floppy or rigid. Floppy disks store less information than a hard disk drive and retrieve the information at a much slower rate.

Compact disc drives store information on pits burned into the surface of a disc of reflective material. CD-ROMs can store about as much information as a hard drive but have a slower rate of information retrieval. A digital video disc (DVD) looks and works like a CD-ROM and can store more than 15 times as much information.


Memory refers to the computer chips that store information for quick retrieval by the CPU. Random access memory (RAM) is used to store the information and instructions that operate the computer's programs.

Read-only memory (ROM) contains critical information and software that must be permanently available for computer operation, such as the operating system that directs the computer's actions from start up to shut down.

Output devices

Output devices are used to provide production in the form of printouts, screen displays and sounds. Examples: monitor (VDU), liquid crystal display (LCD), printers, graph plotters and speakers.



Hardware that I used to produce my coursework





Hard disks

The LAN network

Floppy disk

A network consists of a number of computers linked together.

A LAN (Local Are Network) - the computers are on the same site and linked by cables.


Software is the general name given to all the programs that can be run on computer hardware. Software as a whole can be divided into a number of categories based on the types of work done by programs. The two main software categories are operating systems (system software) and application software.

Two additional categories that are neither system nor application software, although they contain elements of both, are network software and language software.

Network software enables groups of computers to communicate and language software

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