Jay Gatsby
By: Mike • Essay • 694 Words • April 15, 2010 • 1,089 Views
Jay Gatsby
Jay Gatsby is a man who lives next to Nick in West Egg and is a man made of Ѓenew moneyЃf. Jay is a quiet man that keeps to himself even when he throws his own party; he is inside looking out on everyone. Gatsby is a very interesting man with a very mysterious past which he is never really willing to tell. He first met Daisy just before the war and since then has forever been in love with her. They were split from the war as he was a soldier who fought in the war. He holds elaborate parties in hopes that Daisy will go to them and he can find her and be with her. Jay has wanted to fulfil his happiness as he pursuits the American Dream. Although he has all the money he desires, he still feels incomplete as he doesnЃft have DaisyЃfs love.
Jay Gatsby is one of the protagonists in the novel ЃgThe Great GatsbyЃh. He represents the pursuit of the Great American Dream and Ѓenew moneyЃf. Gatsby demonstrates how much he wants DaisyЃfs love as he Ѓgbought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bayЃh. Jay Gatsby holds huge parties every Saturday although he does not like parties. He has them as he enjoys seeing people have fun. Gatsby is an important character as his home is the place where all of the action and disruption starts as different personalities clash. Jay Gatsby is considered to be one of the only normal people in the novel as Nick Carraway explains, ЃgtheyЃfre a rotten crowdЃc youЃfre worth the whole damn bunch put togetherЃh (page 146).
Jay Gatsby represents the American dream in full scale as he is chasing the American dream. Jay wants love and happiness although he has everything anyone could want, money, huge parties, but Jay never feels complete as he is always searching for something that he once had, DaisyЃfs love. Gatsby is always staring across the bay, staring at nothing. He is waiting for the time that Daisy attends one of his huge parties so that he can meet her once again and have what they once had together. Now that Nick lives across the road and is DaisyЃfs cousin, Gatsby has a plan so that Daisy and himself can meet without Tom being there. However, even with DaisyЃfs love, he wants absolute perfection, as he wants her to tell her current husband, Tom, that she never loved him. That she only had love for Gatsby.
The main symbol that links Jay Gatsby to the text is the green light across the bay from his house