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Johnny Depp

By:   •  Essay  •  404 Words  •  March 17, 2010  •  1,389 Views

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Johnny Depp

In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,

Johnny is able to become Willy Wonka with little

help. Freddie Highmore, who played Charlie, was

Interview, and said that it was amazing to watch Johnny Depp. Even when they weren't

filming he was still in his character and stayed focus threw out the day. Watching movies

such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Edward Scissorhands, and then seeing films

such as Finding Neverland and Chocolat proves that Johnny Depp can take on many

different roles. Johnny Depp is one of the most versatile actors of his day and age

Johnny has often taking on roles of real life characters for films such as

Edward James Wood Jr. (Ed Wood), Lt. Victor/Pon Pon (Before Night Falls), Hunter S.

Thompson (Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas), Inspector Fred Abberline (From Hell),

Joseph Pistone/Donnie Brasco (Donnie Brasco), George Jung (Blow), and J.M. Barrie

(Finding Neverland). Totally 7 films. To me I think this is one of the hardest things to do.

I think its easy to play a made up character that you can think up, rather than portraying a

real life human being. It would take great skill to become someone else and have your

acting be compared to that actual person. There isn't much that you can fake.

Johnny Depp is one of the most brillante actor that I look up to. I only

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