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Julius Ceasar

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Julius Ceasar

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar is a book about Caesar becoming ruler of Rome and how and why some people think he is not fit to be ruler for he may turn it into a dictatorship. As most of the townspeople accept Caesar as their ruler, there are some that think otherwise, and among these are Brutus, Casca, and Cassius. They plan to kill Caesar all for the good of Rome, but only Brutus stays true to the proper reason to kill him. As many townspeople do not care if Caesar is ruler or not Antony is Caesar’s loyal servant who likes and respects Caesar very much. In Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, man’s nature, unnatural events, and animals reflect the conspiracy against the death of Caesar.

As they plan to kill Caesar “Brutus [is] with himself at war”, (1.2. 39-40, 46) and “it will not let [him] eat no[r] talk nor sleep“ (2.1. 252-254). Brutus “stare[d] at [Portia] with ungentle looks/… [a]nd impatiently stamped [his] foot.” (2.1. 242-244) Brutus “walk[s] unbraced and suck[s] up the humors/ [o]f the dank morning” (2.1. 363-263). Casca describes how one night of thinking and talking about this scheme is “a tempest dropping fire,” (1.3. 9-10). When thoughts of this murder arise “[an] angry spot doth glow on Caesar’s brow/… [and] Calphurnia’s cheek is pale and Cicero/ [l]ooks with such forget and such fiery eyes” (1.2. 183, 185-186).

Cassius tells how Casca “look[s] pale, and gaze[s],/ [a]nd put of fear, and cast [him]self in wonder” (1.3 59-60). The night before Caesar’s death you find out that “ on this fear night,/ [t]here is no stir or walking in the streets” (1.3. 126-127). You begin to hear of weird things happening in the town before Caesar’s fate like “[a] common slave/ [holding] his left hand, which did flame and burn/ [l]ike twenty torches joined” (1.3. 9-10). Casca talks about seeing “a hundred ghastly women,/… who swore they saw/ [m]en, all in fire, walk[ing] up and down the streets” (1.3. 23-25). Nature begins to react to this unnatural event when “the cross blue lightning seemed to open/ [t]he beast of heaven” (1.3. 50-51).


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