Kent County Friend of the Court/michigan Friend of the Court. the Incompetency, the Conflict, and Removing the Pork.
By: Monika • Essay • 1,045 Words • May 10, 2010 • 1,129 Views
Kent County Friend of the Court/michigan Friend of the Court. the Incompetency, the Conflict, and Removing the Pork.
Kent County Friend of the Court/ Michigan Friend of the Court. The Incompetency, the Conflict, and Removing the Pork.
Many people have questioned the competency of the friend of the court [offices]/[employees] located around the state of Michigan. This is not a problem that affects only one person, but a serious problem that has affected many families involved in Domestic Relations matters involving their children and other private affairs of dissolving couples. The foc works diligenty to secure their own and their employer's interests first. I have seen countless complaints, countless negative articles, and have had my own experiences specifically. I know I have certainly questioned the competency of the Kent County friend of the court and their employer, the 17th Judicial Circuit since their disastrous involvement in my case, resulting from a "consent" order where I was trapped awaiting a promised foc investigation that was over a YEAR LATE and a continuous assault of contempt and other actions from Judge Steven M. Pestka, Attorney Peter Walsh, the foc, and now Judge G. Patrick Hillary, to place an unfair advantage against me and causing my children to remain in a city that was foreign to them. These people serve themselves in the name of our children.
I would encourage you to read my NOW pending Motion to Suspend Automatic Enforcement and Strike All Proceedings [involving the foc] in my case that Judge G. Patrick Hillary adjourned on Oct. 28, 2005 against my will and to my belief, improperly. This clearly shows a collaborative effort between the Judge and the foc to interfere with my other pending matters! This is not a surprise
because the foc is the employee and the Judicial Circuit is the employer, and they are looking out for each other. Click here for the Motion and here for the Order and then look at my subsequent letter requesting reconsideration on the Judge's action. Needless to say the Judge did not respond and further collaborated against me by issuing a new Order to Show Cause after the last one had been Stayed. The excess Pork needs to be removed, I am trying to do my part.
Here is a short and simple fact. "The friend of the court is an employee of the circuit in the judicial circuit served by the friend of the court" _MCLA 552.503(4).
The friend of the court, as an agent or employee of the judges in your case, owes its primary fiduciary duties to its employer, which is not "the people." The friend of the court has a duty of loyalty and a duty to provide information to the judges involved with your case. Many people have eluded to misconduct of the various friend of the courts located throughout Michigan and, as a matter of fact, I BELIEVE THEM! The friend of the court wants its employer and its own office to receive operational money in the form of Federal Incentive Payments provided by our Federal Government. This means the higher and more support orders that a particular County has achieved and collects on, the more money that their County receives as a direct result. Both Federal Code and Michigan Statute lay out the "incentive programs." Title 42 USC 666 and MCLA 400.18a respectively.
Under sec. 6 of the Friend of the Court Act of 1982, ..."the friend of the court is only required to perform activities under this act or the support and parenting time enforcement act when a party in that case has requested title IV-D services." Most people do not even know what a Title IV-D service is, or that the friend of the court is really an employee obligated to the Judicial circuit in which it serves, but yet everyone unless they have fought like hell practically has an open "foc case" running side by