By: lilrockim • Essay • 926 Words • April 24, 2011 • 995 Views
A unit has toxic behaviors when an "organization provides services in a way that subtly works against its stated goals, it violates its fundamental covenant with its employees and the community" (Malloch & Porter-O'Grady, 2007, 300). The organization that I work for is not toxic. It doesn't classify as toxic because it doesn't compare with the characteristics of the ten sources of organizational toxicity listed in our text. My organization fosters a healthy work environment that is conducive to meet our mission goals which is ultimately to take care of patients.
Our text says that "a vertical authority structure, frequently reinforces negative behaviors and serves as a defense against personal involvement" (Malloch & Porter-O'Grady, 2007, pg. 301). My organization does not use a "vertical authority structure" (Malloch & Porter-O'Grady, 2007, pg. 301). Leaders allow members in my organization to express their creativity and allow them to voice their opinions and concerns with issues. Members are trusted to make sound judgments about their work are able to handle situations that occur within their work centers. Everyone in the organization is working towards a common goal of keeping a healthy community. Each work center cannot meet this common goal on its own. We all have to work together in order to meet this ultimate goal. These characteristics that I have listed explain why my organization does not use a "vertical authority structure" (Malloch & Porter-O'Grady, 2007, pg. 302).
My organization does not participate in the "inequitable reward and recognition process" (Malloch & Porter-O'Grady, 2007, pg. 303). Although many may not be happy with their pay as military members we are paid on a pay scale that is paid on a fair basis. Military pay is set by Congress and is separated and paid by your rank and number of years in service. You may receive extra pay for increased duties such as hazardous duty pay, flight duty pay, and other special duties. Therefore my organization is not affected by the characteristics of "inequitable reward and recognition practices" (Malloch & Porter-O'Grady, 2007, pg. 303).
I believe that there are members of my organization that may have a personal characteristic of "abuse of power", but I don't believe that my organization as a whole has this toxic behavior characteristic (Malloch & Porter-O'Grady, 2007, pg. 304). Most leaders that I have worked for don't allow "abuse of power" to occur. My organization is has a great tolerance towards diversity. We take time to learn about different heritages and cultures and we celebrate with everyone.
Leaders in my organization recognize that members may be expendable but they realize that they need to protect their resources. Employees are overall happy with my organization and feel a sense of pride and ownership from working there. Everyone is respected and appreciated and members recognize this about my organization.
As our book states, "the fifth toxin is one that haunts even the best leaders" (Malloch & Porter-O'Grady, 2007, pg. 305). Many managers create horrible work environments that demotivate and suck employees of any energy and initiative they can muster (May, R, 2006). In the military there are specific different ways to manage unmotivated members. One of the first tools that we use when we have an unmotivated member is corrective action. If corrective action doesn't work then next thing to try is discipline. After exhausting both then the member will be discharged from the military. Although these actions might sound stringent, we would not be capable