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Latin Endings

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Latin Endings

Chapter 8 Notes

Present Tense Verb Endings


1st Person ( I )sing. (WE)pl. o, m mus

2nd Person (YOU)sing. and pl. s tis

3rd Person (HE, SHE, IT)sing. (THEY) pl. t nt

Finding the Present Stem of a Verb

* you can find the present stem of a verb by changing the verb to it's infinitive form and then taking off the "re."

Example: Step1. (look at the word) Ambulo

Step 2. (add the "re") Ambulare

Step 3. (Take off the "re") Ambula

Step 4. AMBULA is the present stem of the verb Ambulo.


Sing. Plural

k1) ambulo - I walk, I am walking, I do walk

2) ambulas - YOU walk

3) ambulat - HE, SHE or IT walks

ambulamus - WE walk

Ambulatis - YOU (pl.) walk

Ambulant - THEY walk

ounderlined = verb endings k doesn't use the present stem

B: 2nd CONJUGATION sedeo- sedere

Sing. Plural

1) sedeo - I sit

2) sedes - YOU sit

3) sedet - HE, SHE, or IT sits

sedemus - WE sit

sedetis - you (pl.) sit

sedent- they sit

C: 3rd CONJUGATION: scribo - scribere E I

Sing. Plural

*1) scribo - I write

2) scribis - YOU write

3) sedet - HE, SHE, or IT writes

scibimus - WE write

scribitis - YOU (pl.) write

*scribunt - THEY write

*drops last e or I


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