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Learning Goals

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Learning Goals

1. There are many learning goals that can be achieved by having to work in either a pairs or in small groups. I remember when I was in tenth grade my Biology teacher gave out a project during second quarter. This is a group project he said, no more than four in a group. After I have picked my group, we started to pick a subject and get going on it. We get together and got it done in time, we present what we did and everything turned out well. We did great on the project. Throughout this project I believe I worked well in group, I have no difficulties with my group mate, and we communicate just fine. I believe working in groups is the best way to get work done easier. In groups, I can summarize main points, review problems such as for test or assignment, compare and contrast knowledge, ideas, or theories, solve problems, also comments on class progress or on levels of skill and understanding. I’m so glad that i always has been successful working in group. This is an achievement for me because it wasn’t an easy project, and this class is hard for me. Doing well on a project meant a lot to me.

2. In eleventh grade I remember i was elected to be a vice president in Diversity club. Most of my friends in diversity club thought i was suited for this position. During that time there aren’t many students who were in the club; to be exact is about 17 totals. I show up everyday in diversity club, i participate by giving out my ideas, do project work, etc... The reason why i have so much confident in this club is because most people who are in this club is Asian, they are also my friend. To them i feel like is easier to talk to them and share my point of view. I’m a very shy and not talkative person. I was proud of myself that I was going for the position as vise president. It wasn’t easy; this is a huge achievement for me. I have worked hard to get that position. I stay after school and did many activities in the club like making a poster, go to class and talk to the students about the club (well i didn’t do the talking) etc... Junior year was hard for me i have take many hard classes like Chemistry and English. So with diversity club in the way I barely have anytime for myself. Once again being a vice president in diversity club is a big accomplishment for me.

3. When I was in tenth grade which was my first year in high school I was awarded a student of the quarter in my biology class. During this time my English was good to communicate, but not good enough to read a book of 8th grade level and understand it. This year Biology was the toughest class for me. The whole year I was working really hard to maintain grade A, but it wasn’t easy. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarter the highest grade that I get was a high B not a solid A. I didn’t give up, in order to get the A that I want I needed to push myself even harder. I stay after school more often instead of once or twice a week. I get a lot of help from the teacher and I understand better in class. I have all my assignment turn in on time but the test was what always brings my grade down, I never get A on the test B is what I always get. I did very well on my project though which this time brings my grade up from 88.7 to 92.8 total grades. I was really happy because a week before school gets out my biology teacher MR. McKenzie announced to the whole class that I have the highest grade in his class and he awarded me a student of the quarter certificated and a bag of Hershey. He told me that I deserve it because I have worked hard for it. I agreed.

4. During my junior in my art class my teacher tells us that the Kent library has offer an art contest. 1st place 200$, 2nd 100$, 3rd 50$. The objective is to draw a community for example church, market, etc. place where people gather. At first I didn’t want to enter the contest but my teacher Mrs. Appleby convinced me to enter. She has told me to try it out even if I’m

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