Lil Shishi
By: Venidikt • Essay • 343 Words • April 16, 2010 • 1,178 Views
Lil Shishi
lil shit went to the park and got some poop in his sausage it was fin the whole club went to look at his shish and i am just wrritng this stupid paper so that i can get a frre one god bless americaAll Quiet on the Western Front is by Erich Maria Remarque. This book was an extraordinary war story. Remarque uses excellent words and phrases to describe crucial details of the book. Remarque had first hand experience because he was a German in World War I. He expresses his opinions through Paul, the main character of the book.
One of the strongest themes in this book is that war Makes man inhuman. From the author's point of view soldiers wher often
compared to various nonĀliving objects that were inhuman. The soldiers are compared to coins of different provinces that are melted down and now they bear the same stamp. Remarque thinks that the soldiers mind state has been changed from when they were school boys, the stamp being the mark of a soldier changing them forever. Also soldiers are compared with "automations," or more commonly referred to as robots. Remarque uses this analogy to give the impression that the soldiers are enduring the same feeling