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Linden B Johnson

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Linden B Johnson

Linden B Johnson had 3 heart attacks during his lifetime. His wife was nick named Lady Bird, and he was the 36th President

Johnson was the 1st of 5 kids born to Samuel Johnson and Rebekah Baines. He grew up in a 3-room house on the Pedernales River in a poorer part of the town. He taught briefly at a Houston high school, and in 1930 campaigned for Texas senator Welly Hopkins. Johnson married in 1934 and had 2 girls with Claudia Alta Taylor. IN 1937 Johnson worked in the House of representatives and in 1948 began one of his 2 terms in the senate. Johnson’s success in the senate landed him a spot as Vice-President to JFK. During his campaign with JFK he was also campaigning for a 3rd term in senate which he resigned from it after becoming president. On November 22 1963, Linden B. Johnson was sworn in aboard the air Force one.

IN 1964 Congress passed the Civil Rights Act outlawing most forms of racial segregation. In 1965 Johnson passed the Voting Rights Act outlawing discrimination in voting allowing millions of southern blacks to vote for the 1st time. After the murder of Vilola Liuzzo a civil rights worker, Johnson announced on TV the arrest of 4 KKK members for her murder. In 1965 LBJ proposed the Great Society program giving aid to education, attack on disease, Medicare, urban renewal, beatification, conservation, development of depressed regions, a wide-scale fight against poverty, control and prevention of crime, and removal of obstacles to the right to vote. Johnson truly believed education was a cure for ignorance and poverty, in 1965 under the Great Society program, he proposed the elementary and secondary education act (known as the ESPA)- which gave federal money to public schools for the first time. The higher education act of 1965 focused on funding for lower income students through government grants. In 1965 medicare which

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