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Liver Cancer!

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Liver Cancer!

Liver Cancer!

There are over one hundred diseases of the human body. The reason for writing on this topic is to further my knowledge on Liver Cancer. Throughout this paper information such as the anatomy of the liver, definition of liver cancer, the growth of cancer, the types of liver cancer, how liver cancer is diagnosed, the treatment of liver cancer and my experience with a relative with liver cancer will be presented. Many people die of this disease known as Liver Cancer, but it seems to hurt the most when it is a close loved one.

The liver is the largest internal organ in the body and is located on the right side of the abdomen and protected by the rib cage (Shannon “Liver Disorders Sourcebook” 177). The front side of the liver is made up of two lobes. The right lobe of the liver is larger, 6-7 inches in length. The diaphragm is joined to the upper surface of the liver by ligaments. The under surface and wall are connected to the stomach and duodenum. The undersurface of the right lobe contains the gall bladder which is next to the colon, the large and small intestines, and the right kidney (Anatomy of the liver).

Due to the anatomy of the liver it has a great part in the digestive function. It is also know as the great chemical factory of the body. It’s responsible for regulating and storing many substances used by the gastrointestinal. Some of the functions the liver performs are: blood glucose regulation; synthesis and storage of amino acids, proteins, fats, and vitamins; detoxification; blood circulation and filtration and bile drainage. This chemical acts as a disposal system for toxins removed from the blood by the liver (Digestive function of the liver). Though the liver is part of the gastrointestinal system it plays an important role in blood circulation for collecting and processing all of the gastrointestinal blood through the portal vein and delivering it to the right side of the heart; the reason the liver is known as the antech heart (Circulatory function of the liver).

According to “100 Questions and Answers about Liver Cancer” liver cancer put shortly is liver cells that become abnormal, grow out of control and form a cancerous tumor (Abou-Alfa and DeMatteo 3-4). Within this cancer is a classification of adult and childhood liver cancer. Adult liver cancer is also called malignant hepatoma or hepatocellular carcinoma. In young children two types can develop hepatoblastoma and hepatocellular cancer. Hepatoblastoma is more common in ages 3 and under, which can also be caused by an abnormal gene. Those who are more likely to get hepatocellular cancer are those infected with hepatitis B or C, which are viral infections of the liver (Shannon “Liver Disorders Sourcebook” 185).

When someone hears that somebody has cancer automatically death comes to mind. But what is cancer? Cancer is basically an uncontrolled replication of damaged cells. It is not completely known what exactly causes these genetic mutations or DNA damage. However, what can be identified are several factors that promote cancer development. These contributors are: exposure to radiation, the exposure to toxins, hormonal abnormalities, inherited abnormalities, nutrition and diet, tobacco use and viral infections (How Liver Cancer Develops).

What most people do not know is that cancer can spread or even grow. The growth of liver cancer happens in over 75 percent of all terminal cancer patients. But it cannot grow any larger unless the tumor generates a network of blood vessels to help supply additional nutrients. The cells that seem to mutate more quickly than normal cells are Metastatic cells (Growth of Cancer).

Due to the numerous types of liver cancers they are classified based on cell origin and whether the tumor resulted relatively harmless or if it’s capable of spreading from the liver, being more severe (Judd “Hepatitis and Liver Cancer Risk” 160). It can either be Primary liver cancer, meaning the cancer originated in the liver. From here it breaks down to hepatocellular cancer, one of the most common of primary liver cancer, also known as hepatocellular carcinoma or hepatoma(HCC). HCC breaks down to fibrolmellar hepatocellular carcinoma. Other primary liver cancers that are uncommon are cholangiocarcinoma(cancer that comes from bile ducts within the liver), hepatoblastoma(liver cancer that occurs in children), etcetera. The other broad category of liver cancer is Secondary liver cancer or Meatastatic liver cancer. This liver cancer means the cancer started somewhere else in the body spreading to the liver. Cancers that might spread to the liver are those like the colon, breast, and pancreas (Abou-Alfa and DeMatteo “100 Questions and Answers about Liver Cancer” 3-4).

Fortunately, yet sadly, primary liver cancer accounts for less than 1 percent of all cancers

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