Living in Harmony
By: Monika • Essay • 1,247 Words • April 12, 2010 • 1,499 Views
Living in Harmony
Living in Harmony
Speech Topic: Feng Shui
Speech Title: Living in Harmony
Organizational Pattern: Topical
General Purpose Statement: To inform
Specific Purpose Statement: To inform my audience about Feng Shui
Central Idea Statement: To inform my audience about Feng Shui by first, traveling through the history of Feng Shui, second, by exploring the five major elements of Feng Shui, finally, by focusing on the theory behind Feng Shui.
Good evening. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have harmony in your life whenever you wanted it; wake up every morning knowing you are in good health; go on your merry way with a smile on your face because you are happy with yourself and your family; and go to work and be able to diligently work without having to worry about your financial needs. That's Feng Shui. That's right, I said Feng Shui. F-E-N-G S-H-U-I. Now that we know how to pronounce it and spell it. What is it? Feng Shui is similar to our horoscope. Feng Shui is an old Chinese custom that says if you let the life giving energy flow through your bodies and your surroundings, you can experience the feeling of harmonious blitz throughout your entire life. Well I must admit in researching Feng Shui, I only thought about the material gain it would bring, but after further investigation, my interest shifted to see if Feng Shui could really harmonize your life. I know you must be questioning the fact that Feng Shui is not the American way of belief, but try to keep an open mind about it and examine its techniques. Sit back, relax, and lets explore the world of Feng Shui by first traveling through its history, second by exploring the five major elements of Feng Shui, and finally, by focusing on the theory behind Feng Shui.
Body of the Speech
I. This history of where Feng Shui comes from.
A. According to, geographically Feng Shui originated in China approximately 2000 years ago.
1. In this article, it also states that it did not take long for the Feng Shui concept to gradually spread to Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong.
2. reports that the Feng Shui principles migrated to the United States, Canada, Australia and Europe to see if they, too, could experience the positive flow of energies in their lives.
B. The book, The Feng Shui of Love, written in 2000 by T. Raphael Simons, states the spiritual connection of Feng Shui is composed of Yin and Yang energies.
l. According to The Feng Shui of Love book, Yin is noted as the passive and emotional energy that tends to refer to people who are characterized as introverts.
2. The book also states Yang consists of logical and factual energy that refers to people who are characterized as extroverts.
3. According to the 1999 book, Creating Abundance with Feng Shui, written by Lillian Too, Yin and Yang are essential energies that are attracted to each other, never to be separated.
4. Yin and Yang symbolizes the balance of forces.
Transition: Now that I have traveled through the history of Feng Shui, I can explore the five major Feng Shui elements.
(Visual Aid - five major elements of Feng Shui)
II. The book, Enlightened by Design, written by Helen Berliner in 1999, shows that there are five major elements of Feng Shui that influence the connection of all people with their connection of the environment.
A. Fire--the color red, is the element that symbolizes emotion, fame, expression, stimulation, and passion.
l. If fire is your favorite element, you as an individual may express sociability in your surroundings.
B. Earth--the color yellowish brown, is the element that characterizes stability, security, caring, cautiousness, and harmony.
l. If