Looking at Different Shapes - Math Problem
By: Tommy • Coursework • 573 Words • March 12, 2010 • 1,019 Views
Looking at Different Shapes - Math Problem
Looking at Different Shapes - Math Problem
For this investigation, I will be looking at different shapes, and the
areas the different shapes give. The exact question is:
'A farmer has exactly 1000m of fencing, and wants to fence off a plot
of level land. She is not concerned about the shape of the plot, but
it must have a perimeter of 1000m. She wishes to fence of the area of
land, which contains the maximum area.
Investigate the shapes that could be used to fence in the maximum area
using exactly 1000m of fencing each time.
I will show the working in the form of formulas, putting results in
tables, and then transfer the tables into graphs. Once this is
completed, I will draw up a conclusion.
My prediction is that as the number of sides increase, as will the
area. I think this as the area of a rectangle, or any other
quadrilateral, will have a bigger area than a triangle when using the
same perimeter. I have no reason not to believe that this pattern of
increasing sides/increasing area will continue.
I am going to start investigating different shape rectangles, all
which have a perimeter of 1000m. Below are 4 rectangles (not to scale)
showing how different shapes with the same perimeter can have
different areas.
In a rectangle, any 2 different length sides will add up to 500,
because each side has an opposite with the same length. Therefore in a
rectangle of 100m X 400m, there are two sides opposite each other that
are 100m long and 2 sides next to them that are opposite each other
that are 400m long. This means that you can work out the area if you
only have the length of one side. To work out the area of a rectangle
with a base length of 200m, I subtract 200 from 500, giving 300 and
then times 200 by 300. I can put this into an equation form.
1000 = x (500 - x)
Using this formula I can draw a graph of base length against area. (on
3rd page)
According to the table and the graph, the rectangle with a base of
250m has the greatest area. This shape is also called a square, or a
regular quadrilateral. Because I only measured to the nearest 10m,