Love and Life
By: Bred • Essay • 406 Words • May 20, 2010 • 1,357 Views
Love and Life
Love and Life
Webster defines love as a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties. Everybody in the world needs to be loves by someone of something. The first place many begin to look is in the comfort of their own home. That works for many but I on the other hand am in a different situation. My parents did drugs when they were younger, and my mother still can not let go of her addiction. This has caused my family many problems. I, being the youngest of two, am always searching for love. My mother’s addiction, I feel, took part of her from me. I lost my sense of security after realizing this. Not feeling love from both my parents was hard to understand. I felt alone for a very long time. Going through adolescence did not make times easier. I went through the stage where I felt no one understood me. I would go through battles by myself because I felt no one could help me. My mother was not sober which kept increasing my feeling of loneliness. After going through this pain my whole life, I decided to search for love outside my home. To find anybody that would love me was better than no one. I found a boyfriend when I was fifteen. It was