By: regina • Essay • 284 Words • April 5, 2010 • 866 Views
To: Mr. Smith, Trade Union Chairperson
From: Marchenko Valeria, Continental Airlines Trade Union Secretary
Subject: Ageism Issue
Date: October 26, 2006
The purpose of this report is to show that current company’s policies in the sphere of employment is discriminating.
By far the most controversial issue now is the ageism in the sphere of employment in the Continental Airlines. In one of the separate debates of Trade Union, we had almost maximum attendance. A wide range of opinions was expressed and a final vote was taken, in which the majority were in favour of neutral age policy in the sphere of employment.
Case of ageism
Sidney Bristow, 51, a ticket agent of our company at Boston’s Logan International Airport was fired because she wasn’t suitable for one of the requirements:
пЂ 30 – 50 y.o.
пЂ Fluent English
пЂ Open, energetic, highly-motivated people with good communication skills.
The problem is that people don’t want to work on such conditions and we are still looking for replacement of Ms. Bristow.
Potential Solutions
What to do to avoid ageism?
1. Re-think