Many Meanings of Rain
By: Jack • Essay • 698 Words • April 27, 2010 • 1,114 Views
Many Meanings of Rain
What is Rain?
Rain, Rain, go away, come back another day we all remember singing that as children. Back in those days, rain just meant we could not play outside. What is rain though? To some it is the spherical combination of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. To others rain means a bad hair day. Many people don’t have a specific definition of rain; others have different meanings because of different backgrounds. To me rain evokes emotions. Rain makes me think gloomy, depressed thoughts, and it also makes me feel alive. More than anything rain makes me think about my mom.
Many will agree that rain transcends a gloomy, depressed state of mind. The clouds in the sky appear swollen and gray. The sky appears as sad as a tree approaching winter. The sun that usually smiles brightly is nowhere to be seen. Dark is the only color in the sky. Dark colors symbol sadness the gloom of the sky signals sad, everything seems to be mourning. All of this sad and darkness makes me feel cheerless. I think your environment can influence your emotions.
To me rain is also alive. Many songs talk about dancing in the rain. Dancing in the rain is such a fun and alive feeling, a free feeling. Everybody thinks you are crazy, but you don’t care. The feeling of raindrops on your head, you both getting soaking wet, and yet the aliveness is full throttle. The rain also makes me feel alive because it makes me think about things. For some reason rain makes me think about unfortunate things that have happened in my life. After thinking about those things I feel the need to live life to the fullest. Many people felt this way after nine eleven. They went out and did stuff, connected better with family, and lived like they were dying. Life is to short to waste it not always having fun and doing what you want to do.
Rain also wakes you up, like when you go to a store when it is raining. You park your car and you know what happens next. You are now in a race; you must get to the front door as soon as possible to avoid becoming a walking puddle. I guess you could use an umbrella, however that is a pain and you would not have the fun of hurdling the puddles. And who will ever remember to bring an umbrella, they are just a pain