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Marketing Mix on M&s

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Marketing Mix on M&s

Ladies Fashion- Clothes, Jewellery, shoes, handbags, cosmetics.

Aimed at Ladies only. Generally mature ladies, middle classed because products are not too expensive for ladies fashion. Different product range for clothes such as; casual wear, evening wear, work clothes also swim wear and under wear. Not very highly fashionable this is why it’s classed for mature ladies. Quite basic clothes such as plain cashmere jumpers, trousers, jeans, plain t-shirts etc.


All ladies fashion is placed on a certain floor in the store, so it is easily found and is easy to locate, and find particular product. Because all work wear will be in one section, evening wear in another section. May have particular shoes/handbags in these sections however they also have their own individual section. Ladies fashion would also be placed on the website each category will have its own page for example shoes, handbags, accessories, and casual wear, swim wear etc.


Marks and Spencer vary in price. However most of the products seem to be fairly cheap affordable prices. This is good because the clothes are of good quality; however the pricing isn’t too expensive.

Ladies fashion also do different brands; for example �Perune’. Peruna seems to be more expensive because there is more of a different range of products and it does not tend to be as much casual-wear; this can make it more expensive because it is not just the basic marks and Spencer product.


Marks and Spencer tend to promote ladies fashion mainly on Television and on their website. They also advertise on billboards etc.

2. Promotion mix on Marks and Spencer Food

• Large banners in-store

• Billboards- images/description

• TV: Relaxing music

• Suggestive,

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