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Marketing Mix

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Marketing Mix

The 3 topics that I have decided to discuss aboout today for our marketing research are Hooters, Denny's Restaurant, and The Cheesecake Factory. I chose to write about these 3 categories because I've been to all 3 of these restaurant and have had different experiences with each one. Even though they are all restaurant that serve similar food, the quality and price differs very much as well as the service and atmosphere. For this reason, each one of these restaurant attracts different audiences. Depending on our mood, who we're with, and how big our wallet is, we would make different choices when deciding which one of these restaurant best suits us when we're hungry or just wanting to relax and grub.

There is a lot of competition in the restaurant business; no doubt about it. In other words, anything that has to do with food or drink will have major competition. Because people need to eat and drink everyday, nearly every section on every street is filled with some kind of restaurant. Indeed, even though there's so many places that we can stop in to eat at, it depends on our mood and expection. Some of the things we might need to take into consideration when deciding to stop somewhere for a grub would be its menu selection, portion, price, service, and atmosphere. Food in America is quite cheap and affordable. Which is a good thing because people have a better standard of living. However, getting some food to fulfill our hunger is not much of an issue, its how much satifaction we get with our meals.

Lets first look into one of America's popular restaurant with the most recognizable image consisting of all female serving in white tight tank tops, orange shorts, suntan hose, white socks and shoes, and a brown pouch, Hooters. It originated in Clearwater, Florida. Its doors first opened on October 4th, 1983. Doing its absolute best not to change much from how it began doing its business, the company still uses the same original uniform and logo. The restaurants have kept a comfortable look that has more of an "oldies" style, including keeping jukeboxes on site. Not quite a family restaurant, the chain does serve foods that satisfy children as well as adults. The majority of its customers are men between the ages of 25 and 54.

Hooters is currently operating over 455 locations in 44 states and 28 countries including Argentina, Germany, Greece, Isreal, Mexico, Costa Rica, Canada, Chile, China, Korea, Spain, Columbia, Paraguay, Panama, Virgin Islands, Guatemala, Peru, Switzerland, Taiwan, Venezuela, Singapore, England, Aruba, Austria, Australia and Brazil. Regularly recommended to potential customers for its spicy chicken wings, Hooters offers a range of other foods that are quite appealing. Some of the food that Hooters restaurants offer on their menu include salads, burgers, seafood, sandwiches, beer, wine and spirits. The casual environment makes it a great place to go to sit, eat and watch a sports game or two. Hooters restaurants also carry merchandise for customers if they choose to purchase T-shirts and other items with the Hooters

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