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Marketing Paper

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Marketing Paper


Write an essay about a concept that interest you and that you want to study further. When you have a good understanding of the concept, explain it to your readers, considering carefully what they already know about it and how your essay might add to what they know.

Do you think that in today’s world we use these attributes that come along with marketing? In today’s world if you asked someone what marketing is they would probably say a plethora of things. Although people think that marketing is advertising or selling, it actually covers many more categories that people realize. In this essay I will define and explain what marketing is and what it deals with.

Marketing is defined as the process of creating, distributing, promoting, pricing goods, services and ideas to smooth the progress of exchanging goods in an active environment. People make marketing. As the purchaser of the products that organizations develop, promote, distribute and price, customers are the central point for all marketing activities. Organizations must only describe what their products can do to satisfy a customer and not the opposite. The concentrate of marketing is to develop agreeable exchanges from which both customer’s and marketers benefit. The customer expects to gain a reward or benefit in excess of the cost gain in a marketing transaction. Organizations mainly focus their marketing effort on a particular group of customers, or target market. A target market is a specific group of customers on whom an organization focuses its marketing efforts. For example, lets take the Pepsi Cola company, they target their products to teenagers because they are always looking for an high source of energy; so the target their Mountain Dew Code Red and other soft drinks of that nature to them. Other companies target multiple markets, with different products, promotion, prices and distribution in each one. Marketing is more than simply advertising or selling a product; it uses the marketing mix which deals with four marketing actions: promotion, price, distribution and product; that a firm can control to meet the needs of customers within its target market. It focuses on the product available in the right place and price acceptable to buyers. There is also a need for communication that helps customers determine if their product can satisfy their needs. These actions are planned, organized, implemented and controlled to meet the needs of customers within the target market. Price, production, promotion and distribution make up the marketing mix because they decide which element is used to consume the target market. All marketing managers have one goal, it is to create and maintain the right mix of these elements to satisfy customer’s needs for the general product. Before marketers can develop a marketing mix, they must collect in-depth, new information about customer needs. Such information might include data about the age, income, ethnicity, gender and educational level of people in the target market; their preferences for product features their attitudes toward competitors products and the frequency with which they use the product and regularity with the product. As a result obtaining this much information marketing managers are better able to develop a marketing

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