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Marketing Plan for Tapal

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Marketing Plan for Tapal

Tapal's growth, as a company, lies only in their dedication to profession, commitment to customers and quality control to unique tea blends. Tapal's conception dates back in the year of 1947, Pakistan's independence year, when their forefathers laid the foundation of Tapal tea co as a family concern under the personal supervision of its founder – Adam Ali Tapal. The very first blend, and yet very popular among the masses, Tapal introduced was family mixture which became a hot favorite and eventually the largest selling brand in the unorganized tea market.

Since its promising trend setting beginning, Tapal moved success to success introducing tea brands to suit every taste and pocket, sold from its retail outlet in Jodia bazaar, Karachi. The taste and quality of Tapal teas soon became legendry and people always came back to purchase tea. Thus, giving an outstanding idea to start tea distribution to retail outlets around the city.

Today, the founder's grandson, Aftab Tapal, manages Tapal. It was him who introduced professional management and unique production ideas to business. His progressive outlook resulted in giving further strength to the foundation of quality laid by his family.

Making a self-effacing commencement over half a century back, today Tapal has become the largest 100% Pakistani owned tea company in the country. It has modern tea blending and packaging factories, warehouses equipped with state-of-art equipment and a team of highly dynamic professionals whose visions are to take Tapal even further and higher than ever.




The Tapal Tea (Pvt) ltd. has always believed in setting new and better standards to pull new customers as well as keep their current customers by fulfilling their promises by delivering no compromise on quality products.

The Tapal Tea Company has a complete in-house capability of human management, research & development, marketing, distribution network, packaging etc to meet new challenges in the local tea industry.

The Tapal Tea (Pvt) Ltd. is managed by a dedicated team of highly qualified and experienced professionals with diverse experience. The mastermind behind Tapal's current success is none other than the grandson of the founder – Mr. Aftab Tapal himself who has set some management standards such as open door policy to all, on going training and management, discipline and respect at every level, participative management style, performance appraisal system, excellent employee compensation.

Tapal is a research-oriented company. It subscribes to and conducts various researches in the areas of retail audits, consumer behavior, media planning and product development. This research is used for continuous improvement in product quality, brand positioning and communication according to the changing requirements of the consumers.

Tapal's experienced "high voltage" marketing team has contributed over the years to the phenomenal growth of the brands and the company. Tapal has endeavored to make its marketing activities as attractive as possible, forging a direct link with consumers.

In recent years, memorable advertising campaigns on the electronic and print media using TV and music celebrities have made Tapal a household name.

Tapal has a distribution network spread across Pakistan, from Karachi to Khyber with over 400 distributors. Extensive training programs are provided for the devoted sales personnel. The popularity of its fine brands is unabated, making it the no 1 national tea company in Pakistan.


The Tapal Tea (Pvt) Ltd. is the first local company to introduce Kenyan teas in the Pakistani tea market. The tea plantation farms in Kenya produce the

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