Marketing of New Hotel
By: Anna • Essay • 1,428 Words • April 27, 2010 • 1,250 Views
Marketing of New Hotel
A marketing strategy is essential for the development, growth and sustenance of a business as well as ensuring that the business maintains its competitive advantage.
The best example of a Marketing Plan is one that is not dependent on just one or two forms of Marketing. “Your plan should be to test many different forms of Marketing on a small scale. This can include Internet Marketing, E-Marketing, Direct Mail, Telephone Marketing, Advertising, Referrals, Direct Sales, Guarantees, Pricing Strategies, Up-Selling and Cross-Selling, Special Events, PR. (Chris Cardell's Free Marketing Plan Newsletter.)” People worry that trying out all these methods will be expensive. Actually, the opposite is true. The key is to carefully test and measure each new element of the Marketing Plan to see what exactly works in your favor. This principle of testing is imperative in order to avoid making very costly mistakes. For example, adding direct mail, newspapers or even yellow page advertising to the mix may be quite beneficial to what Star Hotel is attempting to accomplish. According to, when beginning a new campaign, a company
must start by testing things like direct mailing on a small scale. Starting out small and measuring the results will lead to the addition of new elements at virtually no risk. An effective advertising plan is only one part of Star Hotel’s overall marketing plan. The effective use of advertising and promotional materials will help develop a strong marketing plan. It is very important to have everything integrated and working together. The better the marketing plan, the more effective the advertising plan will be. The marketing plan accurately describes the market, customers, products or service and the competition. The marketing plan calculates the size or potential of the target market. It helps to efficiently allocate money and resources to areas where a greater concentration of cash flow is needed. “The marketing plan will provide focus, guidance, and direction for effective advertising and business practices.(Chris Cardell 2005)” Star Hotels marketing plan is designed to help with proper customer retention and management. The plan will help Star Hotel give a clear planned, all-inclusive, and reliable message to its customers, its’ employees, its’ investors, and business partners.
If Star Hotel is off target in its advertising campaign, it could be very costly and eventually could lead to a demise of the company. “The most creative advertising in the world is worthless if it misses the target audience. The best offer in the world is worthless if it does not offer the benefits your clients want.(Chris Cardell, 2005)” Even well planned and executed advertising has little value if you don’t keep it in front of your customers. “In today’s world of infinite information, it takes at least three exposures just to get your message through the first time. And then you face a huge rate of forgetfulness from your clients.(Chris Cardell, 2005)” Effective advertising comes from good planning, good budgeting, a long-term commitment, and a lot of work. Star Hotel will need remarkable ads that will get the results expected. Also, the hotel will need to keep them in front of the targeted audience for the long term. Since the entire concept of the hotel is different than the competition, Star Hotel will need to constantly be in the face of its targeted market in order to remind then of the hotels uniques features and benefits. According to Kotler, P. (2000). Marketing Management,
• Effective advertising lowers your cost of doing business. Your phone rings, and clients walk in the door. It’s a fact.
• Minimal, limited duration, or random advertising equals wasted money.
• Advertising is not creative or funny if it does not bring in clients.
• Advertising has a cumulative effect, and is a long-term investment. Sales response builds over time if advertising is consistent.
• With consumer goods and services, marketing and advertising affects your market share more than price does.
• Effective advertising comes from solid planning and high quality production.
• Synergy is a real thing in advertising. It comes from the cumulative effect of all of your marketing materials working together.
• There are limits to what advertising can accomplish, even with an unlimited budget. Advertising cannot make up for poor quality, service, or timing.
• Every company should go through the advertising planning process.
In the realm of creating an effective advertising plan, the marketing plan will position the company in