By: chocbean • Essay • 328 Words • May 2, 2011 • 940 Views
2. Alternative definitions of marketing.
The term of "marketing" through years has been developing as different perceptions of humanity. It is unavoidable that the way "marketing" is identified varies in many diverse definitions. The difference of alternative definitions of marketing was defined as statements below:
The first definition that officially was released is from American Marketing Association (1935):
1 Marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from procedures to consumers.
Another definition is from Chartered Institute of Marketing:
2 Marketing is the management process, which identifies, anticipates, and supplies customer requirements efficiently and profitably. (Chartered Institute of Marketing, n.d)
Or simply, marketing is defined as a short sentence but wide meaningful:
3 Marketing is the delivery of customer satisfaction at a profit. (Kotler, n.d)
It is evident that the first definition of marketing just pointed the process of marketing. Institute of Marketing and Kotler both investigated then indicated it like a process at profitable exchange.
To sum up, the term of "marketing" itself varieties as Costopulous (2008) showed that "marketing and its various elements change with the times". Understanding and comprehension accurately