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Masculinity Research

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Masculinity Research

Masculinity Research

Eric Jackson


Advisor Prof. Rader

Intent of Study

“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”

                                 -  Verbal

                                The Usual Suspects(1995)

“The prime paradox of gender is that in order to dismantle the institution you must first make it very visible, which is the purpose of this book.”

-Judith Lorder

Paradoxes of Gender (1994:10)

        This project started in a Social Control and Human Freedom class. The men, which there were few in the class, were grouped to talk about masculinity. I assumed I would have a lot to contribute what with being a man and interested in gender studies. This was not how our discussion panned out though. It seemed that when it came to masculinity I knew nothing. They also found their maleness oppressive, and after hearing their points I agreed.  

        The consensus in the group was that masculinity compelled them to do things they would rather not, but the fear of not being a man was greater than common sense. The examples were always grim and often violent. In my years of studying gender I missed masculinity all together. That’s because masculinity is just a gender on paper when in reality gender just means non-male. “He is the Subject, he is the Absolute-she is the Other (DeBeauvoir 1952:xxii).” “From society’s point of view, however, one gender is usually the touchstone, the normal, the dominant, and the other is different, deviant, and subordinate (Lorber 1994:32,33).”

        Thus masculinity as a gender goes unchecked and unexamined to its advantage. My personal favorite saying sums it up best, “Boys will be boys.” Umm, of course they will, but really this is using masculinity as a crutch and shield all at once. Props them up by always putting their actions on the track they should be going, your being a man this is how they act. Then as a shield defending actions making it very clear often and early on that we don’t mind boys or their actions.

        The way the men are positioned in society should be examined. This can be accomplished through hunting the Devil down and showing him to the world. Masculinity is easy to see, but hard to show. I myself am aware of my masculine actions, but expressing them to another person they are received as natural and assumed. The goal is to then debunk the natural.  

Author Note

A man would never get the notion of writing a book on the peculiar situation of the human male.”

-Simone DeBeauvoir

The Second Sex (1952:xxi)

        That is the reason for this research simply because it does not get done enough. A great deal of research has thankfully been done since DeBeauvoir’s time, but it simply has not been enough. At times my writing can be a bit informal and colloquial, but I can assure you I remain very serious about my work. Yet I do not feel the need to restrict myself to formal writing. Some thoughts can only be expressed through everyday language. I will agree that I raise more questions than I answer, but I hope to get to those questions in my lifetime.  

        To understand this body of work you should know something about the author. I am stealing this idea from Alan G. Johnson who wrote Privilege, Power, and Difference. I wish that more authors did this so we as readers can have a better idea of where the author is coming from. Some of these are rather personal and I know if this were to go out to a larger audience I would not answer the same way. Yet I feel some information is better than none. Here are my master statuses:  

Age: 21

Race: Interracial black and white

Sexual/affection orientation: Gender dysmorphic heterosexual (I think)

Physical abilities/qualities: Physically able

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: American

Income: Next to nothing, hey I’m a student.

Martial Status: Single

Military experience: I watch the A-Team often

Religious Beliefs: Pastafarian (Not a typo, it’s a real religion)

Geographic location: Universe, Milky Way Galaxy, Earth, North America, United States, Virginia, Fairfax, George Mason University.

Parental status: My parents are divorced with my mother remarried. I have no children.

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