By: Anna • Essay • 897 Words • June 3, 2010 • 1,170 Views
id like to talk about other things. Kind of like how the great godrmk went off topic on one post to talk about baseball, Instead of me talking about why i hate u and other things, im going to get political for this post. One man who is 1 million times better than you is our mayor, Michael Rubens Bloomberg. While you were living your life, wasting space like you do, Mike Bloomberg has made this city a better place. Even tho he is a republican, he deserves support from all parties, because he, unlike many politicians, dosent follow orders from any political party. He is a liberal too…which I love!!!! He does things the way he wants to, and even tho I dont agree with everything he did, I have to agree with results.let me explain why these guys should not be mayor. dem #1- city council speakergifford miller.... loves spending city concil money to help support his campaign
which we all know is going to fail because bloomberg ownz him and most of you.... he sucks big balls. I think hes an ok councilman, but hes to dirty to hold an executive political position.
dem#2- congressman anthony weiner.... the greatest of the 4, i have no problem with. Hed make a great mayor... but I think it shouldn't be now. If Bloomberg wasn't
running Id definitely
want wiener as mayor. I like Wiener! The democrats need guys like him in washington, I like his extremely liberal voting record. He should stick to being a congressman for now.
Dem #3- Manhattan Borough president C. Virginia Fields- she seemed ok, until she or some douchebag on her campaign team or whatever decided to paste in some pictures of asians into one of her campaign thingys to try to make it seem like people of all races like her. That sure hit her in the ass. And also, New Yorkers don’t vote just on race. She hardly has communicated her positions on issues. The only thing I know about her is that she is African American. I need to know her position on key issues, like jobs and education. She has yet to do that.
Dem #4- Former Bronx borough president fernando ferrer..... i originally was going to vote for this douche, but i realized he has a habit of doing people favors if they provide him with money, much like many of the females of thomas edison high school when they moonlight as prostitutes. Freddy is a dirty politician. He also loves to flip w/ that amadou diallo thing. Why was that even brought up, thats old news, he should have not even tried to use it to impress the people he was talking to. He sucks. While i dont really care as much of the flip flopping, just like i didn't
care last year when i supported kerry, I think ferrer has yet to provide a good enough reason why he should replace bloomberg. Hes probably hoping that people will vote for him just because hes Hispanic. I hate candidates like that. Just because your Hispanic, dosent mean you can run a great complex city like nyc. Ferrer sucks.
Since bloomberg is a rich man, he wont take shit from no one, cause he dosent need campaign
contributions. Bloomberg