McDonaldization - Bringing Benefits or Disadvantages?
By: Venidikt • Essay • 1,734 Words • May 15, 2010 • 5,092 Views
McDonaldization - Bringing Benefits or Disadvantages?
“McDonaldization”: Bringing Benefits or Disadvantages?
Nowadays in every country we see McDonalds. The domination of fast food restaurants has introduced the ideology of “McDonaldization”. Companies are using the concept of “McDonaldization” to achieve success in the business world. By implementing the concept of “McDonaldization,” it has changed the world we see today. The society has become a consumer society, where people are spending more and more money. According to Professor George Ritzer, companies applying this concept are a “new means of consumption” to consumers (Ritzer, 1998). George Ritzer discovered that “McDonaldization” was a phenomenon when he saw the response of the citizens towards the companies that applies this concept, which made him interested to study about “McDonaldization”. He also discovers that there were impacts in the American Society. The concept of “McDonaldization” has benefited the American Culture by increasing the availability of products and services and improves workers productivity. However, it has negative impacts on health, local culture and workers’ social life as well as morale.
One of the benefits of “McDonaldization,” is it increases the availability of products and services provided. The companies that implement this concept provide services and products that comes in packages are at a low cost that makes the products and services affordable for consumers to purchase. It is just like going to any fast food restaurant that serves their meals in sets. Besides that, this concept makes services available anywhere and at anytime, and people are satisfied with their services. For example, it was one of my visits to McDonalds and there was a “happy unhappy” container, which contains ping-pong balls. Whenever a customer is satisfied with the service they will place the ping-pong ball that was given by the staff while he or she is buying their food was to be placed in the happy side. Most of my visits there, the happy side slot is more filled compared to the unhappy side. This shows that McDonalds is getting good response from the public, which encourages people to apply the same concept. For example, in America they have a childcare center called “McChild” (Hancock 1996). Besides child care services, the “McDonaldization” concept is also applied in travel agencies where these agencies have online booking for flights to their customers destination which is available anytime of the day. The implementation of “McDonaldization” cuts down customers’ waiting time and brings in more customers by their quick, friendly and easy policy whenever they are serving their customers. Besides that, “McDonaldization” creates variety in products and services to fulfill the demand of various countries. For instance, McDonalds in Japan serves the Samurai Teriyaki Burger whilst in Philippines they have “McSpaghetti”. By “McDonaldization”, consumers have more choices in selecting their products and services that suits their tastes.
Also “McDonaldization” improves workers’ productivity. This is illustrated further by “McDonaldized” companies that provide products and services, saves time in preparation. This statement is supported because most of the food served in a McDonalds restaurant requires less physical work (Hancock, 1996). Besides that, the standard operation procedure in manufacturing the product maximizes the productivity. For example, the Big Mac that is served in every McDonald’s restaurant tastes the same though the burger is prepared in a short time. (Hancock, 1996) Furthermore, “McDonaldized” companies conduct research on producing their products. For instance, McDonald’s researchers have studied thoroughly just to come up with a perfect method to fry fries.(Hancock, 1996). According to George Ritzer, “McDonaldized” companies implement rules, regulations, laws, supervision and technological control to maintain the quality of their products. The staffs working in “McDonaldized” companies are trained in all aspects of making the product and providing services, which makes them productive.
Furthermore, the process of McDonaldization has deeply penetrated into the mass culture and many aspects of daily life. McDonaldization indirectly introduced a new culture among the people that include four key components: Efficiency, calculability, predictability and control. Efficiency such as drive through window or ready made burger at a fast food joint is meant to get customers in and out fast. Calculability is an emphasis on large quantities, such as the “Big Mac”, the “Whopper” or “Biggie Fries”. This has caused the change of the mentality among the people in the United States to believe that “bigger is better”. The best example of this assumption is the increasing amount of Big K-Marts and Super