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Media and Information Kit

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Media and Information Kit



CoMpany overview 4 our founder – Reginald Murray (“R.M.”) Williams AO, CMG 7 r.M.wiLLiaMS 75th anniverSary CoLLeCtion 8 75th anniverSary MerCHandiSe 10 tHe Legend of doLLar MiCK 12 auStraLian ManufaCturing at itS beSt – The R.M.Williams factory in Adelaide, SA 13 buSH outfitting – A brief introduction 14 tHe LongHorn – And the R.M.Williams benchmark of excellence 15 r.M.wiLLiaMS bootS – The best leather is our only standard 16 r.M.wiLLiaMS SoLeS – The heart of a good boot 17 LooKing for a one-off boot? 18 tHe r.M.wiLLiaMS deniM Story – More than 60 years old and even better 19 tHe r.M.wiLLiaMS StoCK wHip – All its cracked up to be 20 MoLeSKin – The unlikely French Connection 21 r.M.wiLLiaMS retaiL StoreS – A quality retail experience that is growing and expanding 22 r.M.wiLLiaMS wHoLeSaLe – A whole lot of choice for RM’s bush and city customers 23 r.M.wiLLiaMS Corporate direCt – For companies that mean business, Australian style 24 r.M.wiLLiaMS export – Taking R.M.Williams to the world 25 5 perCy St proSpeCt SoutH auStraLia – R.M.Williams Heritage Home 26 tHe r.M.wiLLiaMS StabLeS at Sydney SHowground 27 tHe r.M.wiLLiaMS LongHorn expreSS – On the road again 28 r.M.wiLLiaMS outbaCK StoCKMan’S SHow 29 auStraLian outbaCK SpeCtaCuLar 30 wrotHaM parK Lodge – A stylish journey to Australia’s outback heartland 31 r.M.wiLLiaMS pubLiSHing – Telling the stories of our outback culture 32 faCtS and figureS 33


r.M.williams was established in australia in 1932 at 5 percy St prospect South australia and is a wholly australian owned company. r.M.williams is unique in the bush outfitting business not only because of the comprehensive range of seasonal and authentic products it sells, but because the company is a manufacturer, retailer and wholesaler of these quality goods.



the r.M.williams company was founded and established in 1932 by australian legend, reginald Murray (“rM”) williams ao, CMg. rM was a bushman, camel-boy, drover, grazier, horseman and businessman. He designed and crafted footwear, clothing and leather accessories for the men and women who lived and worked in outback australia. over time, rM and his signature “Longhorn” brand has become strongly associated with australia’s national identity, outback heritage and pioneering spirit. r.M.williams core and seasonal footwear, clothing and accessories are proudly worn by australians in the country and city alike, at work and play, at home and abroad.

COmpANy OveRvIew

r.M.williams is a wholly australian-owned company with a proud history of bush outfitting. for 75 years, the r.M.williams company has manufactured quality footwear, clothing and accessories that reflect australia’s true outback spirit and quintessential australian style. while mail order is still a strong part of the r.M.williams business, the company now distributes its quality products through an extensive network of retail stores as well as its wholesale business in australia and overseas.


r.M.williams quality range of clothing, footwear and accessories have remained relevant to its core outback and rural customers, but have more recently appealed to a broader customer who value quality, authenticity, functionality and style – regardless of where they live and work. the company releases two seasonal ranges per year to suit our bush and city customers. these ranges include

, Seasonal (men’s and

women’s wear),



(children’s wear) as well as its authentic range of core products that are available all year round.


r.M.williams has continued to grow its retail presence in australia and overseas and now has 27 r.M.williams retail stores in australia. Store locations include Sydney, brisbane, Melbourne, adelaide, perth, darwin, Canberra, Cairns, toowoomba, Longreach, gold Coast and newcastle.

r.M.williams has 4 international stores – two in new Zealand (auckland, Christchurch), London (102 new bond Street) and new york City (46 east 59th Street, between park and Madison ave).

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