Mexican - Americans (media Search)
By: Jack • Essay • 395 Words • May 21, 2010 • 1,003 Views
Mexican - Americans (media Search)
One current issue about the mexican-americans is the amnesty for the illegal aliens. If ammnesty is given it will attend to the millions of Mexicans and Mexican-Americans who live in the United States as citizens, residents, temporary workers and illegal immigrants. It was reproted that in America today the illegal immigration population was estimated to be 18 to 20 million, around 66% are Mexican Nationals. President bush has been convinced in to Mexicos pressure and is determined to push through his defacto amnesty plan. America government should pay close attention to Mexico’s intent and actions. If bush was to grant amnesty to the mexican illegal aliens then it would escalate into granting all illegal immigrants with amnesty.
During the first decades of the twentieth century, the majority of migrant workers who crossed the border illegally did not have adequate protection against exploitation by American farmers. As a result of the Good Neighbor Policy, Mexico and the United States began negotiating an accord to protect the rights of Mexican agricultural workers. American business take advantage of the mexicans by paying extrenmely low wages andi gnoring poor workin gconditions (cheap labor).
Border patrol is more organized so immigrration from mexico to the U.S.A became more restricted. Mexican American seen as a unwanted source now days compared to world warII where mexico was a source of cheap labor. Green card system was set up