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Mezcal Marketing Plan

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Mezcal Marketing Plan

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Executive Summary

¿What is Mezcal? Mezcal is a distilled alcoholic beverage made from the maguey plant (a form of agave) native to Mexico. People tend to refer to it as “the brother of Tequila”, given its many similarities.

Mezcal Hikuri is a luxurious Mezcal that integrates the tradition of mezcal with the “huichol” culture knowledge, an ethnic majority in Mexico. Its plantation, as its elaboration is made in the state of San Luis Potosi, specifcally in Wirikuta. The exlusive employment of people pertaining the Huchol ethny and the precise expertise used during the process make Mezcal Hikuri a unique and exclusive producct, as well as a socially responsable product. The social support to this village where Mezcal Hikuri is produced has made distillery an essential part of the región that has become a kind of cluster.

Situation Analysis

Market Summary : Mexico and Mezcal Industry

  • According to the World Bank Mexico´s GDP accounts for 1,177 billion USD with a growth rate of 3.9% in 2013.
  • According to the OCDE México is situated in the 7th place for Alcoholic Beverages.
  • According to Comercam (Consejo Mexicano Regulador de la Calidad del Mezcal) Mezcal consumption in night clubs and bars in Mexico City increased 127% from 2009 to 2012.
  • According to the “Camara Nacional de Industria Tequilera” Mezcal exports are experiencing a 35%-40% anual growth.
  • México is the only country where Mezcal is produced. There are 23 species of Maguey plant (from wich Mezcal is done). The following states count with “Origin Certification” given by the Mexican Government: Oaxaca, Guerrero, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí Durango, Tamaulipas and Guanajuato.
  • Regarding market trends Mezcal has become a fashionable drink in Mexico. Outside it is starting to gain awareness in international markets that have been traditionally close o mexican culture, such as Spain or United Staes.
  • Mezcal has shifted from being “the poors drink” to being a recognised beverage consumed by educated, high class, in fashion and international people.
  • As macrotrends we find environmental concern and transparency demand to multiple industries. Globally, customers are suddenly interested in knowing where the products come from and roots are reviewed and valuable.  

SWOT Analysis

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Target Group


Don Julio

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Adults (over 40)

Tequila don Julio is perceived as a luxurious Tequila that provides seriousness. It is original and innovative without losing its essence. Distinguished by its notable bottles.

Cuervo Tradicional

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Adults (over 35)

José cuervo tradicional is perceicd as a conservative Tequila. Their slogan reminds us the limit between moderation and excess. They present themselves adaptabla when saying this Tequila is for for lunch and dinner traditions.


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They claim to be an excellent Tequila for every age range.

Tequila Herradura reflects an image of authenticity and high quality.


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Adults (from 25-35)

El Jimador is perceived as a Tequila for younger people since they emphasize the goal of “living intesively”.

Product Offering

Mezcal Hikuri is made from 200 different types of the agave plant . This plants have to be 10 year old and have to be planted at 2700 meters high. The technique used by Huichol artisans for extraction maximizes the traditional flavor of Mezcal to give the consumer a unique experience. The plant´s heart is heated in Stone ovens acquiring certain properties due to it´s contact with steam; after this, fermentation takes place in glass tubs during the next 3 months. This 100% mexican beverage contains a total volumen of alcohol that aproximates 40% and it is listed in an important clasification named “Mezcales Tradicionales de los Pueblos de México “ (Traditional Mezcals of Mexican Villages).

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