Monthly Counseling
By: Top • Essay • 810 Words • May 1, 2010 • 989 Views
Monthly Counseling
Performance: March was a very busy month for the communication section as a whole. You did your part to help the team by making sure our weapons were up to standard by doing the weekly PMCS as the section's representative in the arms room. You maintained full accountability of the BN ASIP turn-in for the software upgrade by keeping them separated and tracked by company. This made the turn-in and pick-up process go smoothly. You also played a major roll during our preparation for the execution of the FTX. You assisted me with the accountability of the COM-201B's and issuing them out to the line companies in a timely manner. During the FTX you assisted in manning the Tactical Operation Center, setting up and maintaining communications, troubleshoot communications problems, and tearing down the TOC at the end of the field problem. You showed that you are a team player who can pull your own weight in the section and take charge when needed.
Strengths: Your self-confidence has improved over the last few months, I can see it when you take charge and issue orders to your peers within the section. You are more authoritative and assertive with your voice and body language as opposed to in the past when you used to be timid and not so sure about yourself. This shows you are starting to find out more about yourself and grow as a person and as a Soldier. Your cardiovascular endurance has improved greatly from what it was only 2 months ago. This is apparent on run days. You used to run a medium to slow pace and were tired at the end of the run. Now you are running at a faster pace and for the most part keeping up with our fastest runners in the section. SFC Skelton has noticed this and commented on how much you have improved. This shows that you are pushing yourself during PT and continuing to work out on your own after duty hours. You are also losing weight due to your physical fitness improving. Your efforts are showing and paying off so keep up the good work. As always you remain flexible to constant changes. You have demonstrated that you can accomplish any given task with little to no guidance. This shows that you are able to exercise initiative and make sound decisions at your level.
Areas of Improvement: SPC Loomis, despite the vast improvement of your self-confidence and being more assertive, there were a few times when you show a lack of motivation to accomplish a mission once given to you. You would come in and be the SPC in charge the way you needed to be, and then the next day decide to take it slow and easy. You are the only Specialist on our team, and the other Soldiers pick up on your "oh well" attitude and do the same. This is detrimental