Mos Burger 4ps in Hong Kong
By: Wendy • Essay • 251 Words • April 6, 2010 • 2,030 Views
Mos Burger 4ps in Hong Kong
Mos BurgerЎ¦s Product Strategy
Its image is associated with health and nature, which are also the weaknesses of McDonaldЎ¦s. While McDonaldЎ¦s burgers have reached mature stage, Mos Burger launches unique burgers like Ў§Mos Rice BurgerЎЁ and Ў§Takumi BurgerЎЁ which captures lots of attention. Thus, in terms of product, McDonaldЎ¦s faces great challenge from Mos Burger.
Mos BurgerЎ¦s Pricing Startegy
The price of Mos Burger is relatively high compared with McDonaldЎ¦s. However, as it is in the introductory stage, people are less sensitive to price. Hong Kong people value new products and are willing to pay high price to try something new and unique. Moreover, Mos Burger has very clear relative advantage over its competitors. These all allow skimming pricing strategy to be adopted. Below is the comparative pricing of burgers from McDonaldЎ¦s and Mos Burger:
Product Item McDonaldЎ¦s Mos Burger
Cheese Burger HKD 7.3 HKD22
Rice Burger HKD14.8 HKD22
Chicken Burger HKD 8 HKD20