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By:   •  Essay  •  495 Words  •  March 7, 2010  •  877 Views

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It was the last day of school, Dixon and his best friend Rory were was happy as they could be. “Hurry up Rory” Dixon called. Rory’ parents recently divorced and Rory still hasn’t gotten over it yet. Rory ran up panting “Slow down. I don’t want to smash my ancestor’s cup.”

Rory bent down to tie his shoe laces and put his cup on the ground. Out of nowhere a black cat flashed to the cup with lightning speed. It picked up the cup in its mouth and dashed off into the bushes.

“Get back here” Rory screamed. He ran after the cat for all he’s worth. Rory stumbled through the bushes getting cuts from the thorns. Regardless of the injuries Rory stumbled after the cat. Clenching his jaw Rory accelerated “I’m not going to let this cat steal my ancestor’s cup.”

Rory emerged into an alley. He looked around. Nowhere was the cat to be seen. Suddenly he spotted a hole in the wall close by. He crouched and looked what was inside. It was his cup, broken in two. “What!?” Rory screamed in anguish. “Why am I so careless?” Rory broke down into endless tears.

Mean while Dixon arrived at the scene. He saw Rory lying there; just one look told him that something had gone terribly wrong. “What happened?” Dixon asked. Rory too dismayed to talk, just pointed at the hole. One look brought Dixon to the same conclusion. Rory’s most prized, most valued cup had been broken. After a closer look Dixon called “Rory, look! This isn’t your cup.” Rory bent down to take a closer look. “Your right!” he shouted with relief. Hope swelled up in him. “I will find my cup” he declared.

One the concrete road beside the broken cup he found traces of the cat’s foot prints. The trail led them all the way to the abandoned hotel. The trail continued

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