My Ceremony
By: Top • Essay • 701 Words • April 29, 2010 • 1,065 Views
My Ceremony
My Ceremony
A signing ceremony was held for me my senior year in high school. During this ceremony, I signed a “Letter of Intent” to attend Mississippi Valley State University. A “Letter of Intent” states that one may no longer take any calls or take visits to other schools nor talk to any other coaches, besides those of school he or she signed to attend. It is basically a contract that includes the NCAA rules and regulations. During the ceremony I was acknowledged for doing such a great job. I was very excited and surprised. I was glad that my school cared about me that much to throw me a signing ceremony.
First, everyone joined in the gymnasium. I was seated at a table in the middle of the floor beside my mother. My head coach, assistant coach ,and principal sat to my left. My principal opened the ceremony stating its purpose, then he told me how proud he was of me and my accomplishments. He also told me how much he had enjoyed watching me play and mature through the years.
Next, my head coach walked to the podium. She acknowledged me on doing a such a great job both athletically and academically. She joked on how skilled I had become. She did this by thinking back to the first day of practice, when she asked me to get on offense, and I looked at her like she was crazy. The expression was given because, I did not know what defense nor offense was. She went on to explain how amazed she was that I caught on so quickly to a game that sometimes takes people their whole lives to learn. She continued by saying what a great person I was and how much I meant to her. She encouraged me to keep the right attitude, keep God first, and keep smiling. She told me if I did those things I would succeed. She ended by wishing me the best of luck and return to her seat on the left of me. My assistant coach then approached the podium. He stated what a blessing I had been in his life and others. He told me that he was proud to be my coach and that he would not trade me for any other player in Louisiana. In closing he stated a quote “ All dreams can come true- if we have the courage to pursue them”. Afterwards he went back to his seat.