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My Firt Ballet

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My Firt Ballet

“I can’t see, daddy!” I wailed as the curtains opened. The red velvet seat snapped

as I jumped off the edge. The noisy crowed was soon shushed and everyone sat as if they

were statues at the art museum. No movement, no sound, except for an occasional cough

or so. In the blink of an eye, spotlights gleamed from the back of the theatre like car

headlights at midnight. He smiles at me. “Look,” he whispers as he crouches behind me.

He’s warm, and his arms are very comforting. The smell of his cologne was the one he

always wears when he goes to events like this. But this event wasn’t for him: it was for

me. I have never been so excited in my 6 year-old life. He lifts me up a tiny bit over the

balcony bar. In a rush my eyes are already struck with sight. A young girl gracefully

prances on stage, and in an instant she is on her toes.

BANG! The orchestra pit rattles and begins to create an eerie environment.

Amazing. I have never seen anything like this. Now there are 3, 4, 5 dancers all

on their very toes moving to the sounds of the orchestra. The lights change to a

bright yellow. Rhinestones and glitter appear to shine as every movement catches

the reflection from the spotlights. So much energy, I cant imagine what it would be like,

having to smile like nothings wrong, when all you can think about is pain. Perfection.

Not a flaw. Is this a proper example of practice makes perfect? It’s an unbelievable

feeling, seeing a ballet. I, in awe, am on my toes my self. Nothing can stop this feeling.

My heart seems to only beat faster and faster. With my dad’s arms still around me, I

hugged him tight. He’s the greatest daddy in the world. Without him, I would have never

been able to experience this moment.

The beat of the drum pulses to the beat of my dad’s heart. The breakable melody

of the violin is as quick as the transitions on stage. I want to have this feeling

every day. I want to see what its like to move to the rhythm of your life. Nothing

can touch you, like your in a world with no danger, no harm. Protected, free, and

understood. If one day, I were able to actually feel this sensation, I would never

let it go, ever. The lights change again, as do my thoughts. The blue stream

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