My Reletionships
By: regina • Essay • 993 Words • June 11, 2010 • 1,427 Views
My Reletionships
My Relationships
There are many things that I wish I could fix about me and how I handle some of my relationship. It's a big difference saying you want to change things that you do in relationship and actually doing it. I think I'm one of kind when it becomes to relationship.
First off I only look at things from my side of the story and will not listen to the other persons side of the story because I'm one of the most stubborn people on the face of the earth. Even if I know im wrong I will never admit and will just fight harder to prove my side of the story even if I know it's wrong and makes no sense. I think to overcome this I just need to man up and admit when I'm wrong but that will definitely take some work.
Another problem that I have when it comes to relationship is that if something bugging me I will always hold it in and not tell the person if something bothering me. I'll just ignore them find other ways to deal with whatever it is that is bothering me. Also I might just do whatever that person did to me, back to them only worse but act like I didn't mean too. It's really childish but I can't help it.
One of the biggest things I struggle with is being able to trust someone. I always doubt what someone might say even if it's over something small. I have a huge trustworthy problem. I think this comes from being lied to a lot when I was younger about family things so it just carried over to all of my relationships with people. If I could change anything I would change that. I think I really just listen to what the person says and if I don't find out their lying then I should
have no reason to doubt them.
Also another trait that I carry that would make me more respectful is that I'm the least sympathetic person. I think this comes because I've had a pretty rough life and hate when people give me sympathy so I don't give other people sympathy. I've really struggled with this with my girlfriend relationship when they have been upset and I wasn't really there to comfort them or give words of comfort. That's one thing I have to work on if I ever want to show a girl I care about their feelings. I may feel bad for them but I just have no way of showing it.
To become more authentic I think I would have to really listen to what a person is saying and give them feedback to show that I'm actually listening and not just nodding my head throughout the conversation. I have a tendency to just nod my head when someone is talking while they tell me about something that is important to them. If I just listen to someone and give them a little feedback then that's better then nothing and they know that I'm actually listening to them.
Some people have said about me in the past is that I am hard to approach because I'm intimidating and I hate that. Especially girls have said after they have got to known me was that I looked mean when I would walk around the school and such. I never noticed this and I don't want to be intimidating.